An Appeal for Birthday Cards?

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An Appeal for Birthday Cards?

Post by PeachBottom » Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:02 pm

My aunt will be 80 in March, and this time I won't be there to celebrate it with her. Aunt Janie has said she wants "nothing" for her birthday, so I am asking everyone to please send her birthday wishes! When she turned 75, I had my online friends send her cards and she was just tickled at the number of "strangers" who went out of their way to wish her a happy birthday. It can be a store bought card, a card from the dollar tree/poundland, a handmade card, even a postcard. Just something wishing her a happy birthday, and if you want, you can tell her you are a friend of mine (Rebecca) and Tim's.

Please pass this message around to your friends, but please keep her address private. You can direct people to email me or you can give out the address.

For postage purposes, my aunt's address is in the US, Pennsylvania to be specific.

You can PM me for her address or email me directly at annaonthemoon79atgmaildotcom for her address.

Thanks everyone!! She will REALLY appreciate this!!

(sorry if you see this multiple times in multiple places!)

"Peachbottom was reading over my shoulder and has gone a funny colour, and is also in the kitchen where the Very Sharp Objects live" ~TommyDodd

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