On line e magazines - from a recent KK

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On line e magazines - from a recent KK

Post by wahiba » Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:19 am

Having read of the possible Danish problem I am wondering whether anyone else has subscribed to an e Magazine.

I read the Railway Herald every issue and find it is sufficient to keep updated on the overall railway scene.

I have seen one or two other freebies and they all look OK.

Now being a Kindle Konvert a magazine with line drawings only would be great. I like books etc. with line drawings rather than photographs, but that it is probably a minority personal preference.

Note on being a KK. Tried it out on the train the other day for the first time. Works a treat. So far we have one between us, but I think we will soon have one each.
One of these days I will start thinking about specialising.

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