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3 Mamod burners

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:21 pm
by DLRdan
After reading Tony's excelent thread on his meths burner I thought I would share the burners in my locos.

The first is from Tony Green but follows the standard 3 wick pattern. This lives in the red MSS.


The second is a home made 2 wick burner that was made yesterday. It has a tank capacity of 11ml, slightly smaller than the 3 wick burners 12ml. IT was built as a replacement for a prototype burner which didn't produce enough heat.


The third is very unusual and I think I am the only one to use this style burner in a loco. It is a vaporising burner based on the Bowman type used in stationary engines. The long tube contains a long wick that extends into the tank, the meths is drawn up it into the tube. There is a slot in the top of the tube to allow the vapor to escape, in order for the burner to work the tube must be hot to boil the meths. Once the tube is initialy heated with a lighter the flame keeps it hot. The construction is rather basic but it works very well, burning with a clear blue flame.
