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The Littleholme Railway

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:13 pm
by laalratty
No, this isn't a new out of the blue NWAG line, but something a bit bigger I didn't even know about until a few weeks ago when I got an invite to visit
Yes, the Littlehome Railway is 5 inch gauge. I don't want to be too specific with location, but suffice to say it is one place I'd like to visit more often if only because I've got to pass Ravenglass on the way there and back!
The line is basically two circuits, one flat, one not quite so flat, joined by a connecting line with a ruling grade of 1 in 20! Here my uncle drives Hedgehog, our Ride on Railways Trojan for a lap of the upper circuit
Our host takes Hedgehog for a bank storming run, which was very slippy after a shower of rain
On the bank
PTLRsam enjoyed driving Hedgehog
Drivers eye view on the lower circuit
Of course, the main interest was in the resident steam locos. A model of Furness Railway number 20 was indoors, whilst provided for us to have a go on was this fine homebuilt Standard 2MT
Descending the bank to do a bit of lower circuit running
PTLRsam in the driving seat on the lower circuit
Winding things up for a run at the hill
Storming the bank, alas he didn't make it! The last few yards were of stainless steel rail rather then plain steel, which was a bit slippier and the loco stalled. After we had all tried and failed to get up (including the host) I had one last go as the fire breathed its last, and managed to stagger over the top! The fact I weigh a bit less then the other may have been a contributory factor!
The lower circuit
FRthunderbolt has a go
Many thanks to our host for a brilliant day, if nothing else it was great to give Hedgehog a run out

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:40 pm
by steamie1
Wow looks great fun!

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:52 pm
by Pretoria

Now that's 2ft (or 2'3") Narrow Gauge territory !


Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:28 pm
by Gremlin
That looks great, a bigger garden means a bigger gauge, 16mm would be rather lost in there. I visited a garden with a 7" narrow gauge, not a huge run but who cares when you've an engine of that caliber.