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I.P. Engineering Freelance Coaches

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 1:57 pm
by Steven.T
Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone has any experience of building these, and how straight forward they are? I'm looking at getting either a 2 or 3 compartment coach and a gaurds coach, but I'm unsure if my little 0-4-0 will pull the 3comp ones, anyone have a rough idea how heavy they are?

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 3:01 pm
Most of the IP stuff is easy enough to build, with a couple of wrinkles:

1) use Peco track pins to hold the "box" together whilst the glue sets: you can either pull the pins out or leave them in when the glue's gone off: your call.

2) Where the instructions say "Mark x mm up from the bottom of the sides - glue the floor here" it's MUCH easier to glue a wooden coffee stirring stick (or two for a bogie coach) in the appropriate position as it provides something for the floor to sit on when you glue it in place.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 4:06 pm
by Steven.T
Thanks for the tips Brian, which coaches do you have?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:26 pm
by Steven.T
Yesterday saw one of the coaches started, they are fairly simple to do, I just used some wood glue and a large box of charcoal to hold everything down while it dried off :lol: ;)

For some strange reason Photobucket isn't letting me make the pictures larger... Il'l try again tomorrow, but for now, some rather small ones :?...
Inserting the bulkheads and benches;




Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:10 pm
by molr 1
hi all...i have 2 of the i.p engineering free lance coaches and having only been in to garden railways for nealy a year now i found them ever so easy and straight foward to build :) ..molr 1

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:44 am
They are a dream to build! Even with my hands of many thumbs! :lol:
I have a 2 comp/Guards carriage finished, it runs well! But I recommend adding lead to the 4-wheel, 3 comp carriages. It makes them so much better!

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:55 pm
by krusty
I know this topic is a little old, but what is an acceptable maximum wheelbase for the three comp 4 wheelers?
The instructions say to mark out a wheelbase to suit the curvature of your line. Well I don't have a line.  I am a complete novice, so please someone, give me a clue? I want them to look right, but still run around the sort of curves you might come across at steam ups.


Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:28 pm
by Johnnie2sheds
Its not building them Im scared of its paintin em. I got a luggage and 2 comp coach waitin but lord knows how to paint it.

I.P. Coaches

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:38 pm
by Catweasel
Just to be different, why not use Scumble. It's oil based aand put on with a rag I believe. This would give you a teak effect. Look proper posh it would.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:41 pm
by Steven.T
Hi Krusty,
Just measured my coaches for you and I have..
from the bufferbeam to the axle is roughly 7cm. I don't think there was any reason for this, just that it seemed to look right!
Hope this helps

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:50 pm
by krusty
Thanks Steven, I will be going to a local steam up soon, I have one coach almost finished. I will take it along and see how it performs around various radii. I may have to make some adjustments, by the looks of things I have put the axles too far apart.
I should have asked this earlier, but my eagerness to build was overwhelming.:roll: