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Narrow Minded
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Post by Narrow Minded » Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:13 pm

Well just typical, we had beautiful blue skies today, so I cleared a load of snow - and it's chucking great gouts of the stuff down again! :|

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Sir haydn
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Post by Sir haydn » Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:23 pm

same here. since I took the photos earlier nearly 2" has fallen

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Post by grumpfuttock » Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:27 am

Wow, you guys in the UK seem have beaten us for snow this time, well the area of DK that I live in anyway, judging by some of the photos in this thread. We have currently have a layer of approx 8 cm in average depth.

I do love that photo of the two people clearing the track, but if it was me, I'd have given up before I even got the broom out ! What a daunting task they have.. I dread to think how much track they will have to clear !

To Pendo Pilot :-
Pendo Pilot:44518 wrote: Really suprised that a civilised country like Denmark is as useless as the UK to deal with weather conditions.
It WAS a civilised country, snow didn't present any problems, it was always dealt with as soon as it hit the ground. Roads were kept free, by frequent salting and constant ploughing etc. Everything was very efficient in those days.
After a 10 to 15 year period of winters which were pretty well snow free, the local councils reduced their snow clearance budgets, and the money spent in other areas, probably on unnecessary things ! After the really bad winter last year, most local councils were fined by the Danish gov for overspending their budgets, mostly due to 3 months of snow clearance (I've never really comprehended how fines can help, they only make the councils even poorer). I get the impression that after last winter most of our "great leaders" had the opinion that it would be a long time before we get another bad winter, so snow clearance has been at the bottom of the budget list. Thus, if we get any more snow, it is going to be a catastrophe, more nurses and doctors will be laid off from the hospitals and people in other health departments etc. Things have got so bad here now finacially, that some towns have now permanently turned off all the street lights to save money. In other places they have been trying to donate roads to the residents to get out of paying for road maintenance in the future ! I wouldn't like to relate what the residents said about that !

One advantage we have over the UK, is that most people here, change their tyre to winter tyres when autumn arrives. They are brilliant, they are just like ordinary tyres, but with a different tread and type of rubber. They grip really well and hardly ever slip when driving normally on roads or inclines covered with ice or compacted snow.

"I am not an armchair modeller, I have a garden railway, so I am a deckchair modeller."

Narrow Minded
Posts: 4650
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Post by Narrow Minded » Sat Dec 04, 2010 8:03 am

I've never really comprehended how fines can help
Of course they don't! It's just another way that central governments bloat their coffers, that way, there's more of the pie for them to dip their snouts into!
more nurses and doctors will be laid off from the hospitals and people in other health departments
None of which of course will affect the "Fat Cats" in central government :?
most people here, change their tyre to winter tyres
Far too sensible to catch on over here - most people don't even clear the snow and ice from their cars before setting off :evil:

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