Loco Build based on "Eric"

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Re: Loco Build based on "Eric"

Post by Peter6911 » Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:22 pm

Thanks Philipy - after a lot of faffing about, I've finally got the hang of it - how to get the photo's "in line", so I've re-done the pics without the intrusion of PB.

This is a heck of a lot easier than before - many thanks for your work on the site Tom - so much nicer to use.

Well I invested in a spray can of etch primer (grey) and had a session with it on the frames and buffer beams. Followed this with standard "red" primer. I think I'll leave the cranks and rods as steel for the time being - although many NG locos seem to go for vermillion or some such.
I did fit some rivets to the front beam - well worth the effort I think.
A quick pic. - didn't bother to struggle with the tripod so apologies for the blurred finish.

Also showing the cylinder blocks - bores honed, and bodies drilled for ports and fixings. Heart - in - mouth time when drilling at an angle for the steam ports, but it worked fine by taking it slow and following the book's (very good) instructions. 1/16th. drill, run at highest speed with a bit of oily suds. Mill a small pad in the edge of the cylinder bore where the ports will start and do use a centre drill first!

Rivets.jpg (363.27 KiB) Viewed 3798 times
Front cylinder covers are pretty straightforward turning jobs, but I think a mandrel will be necessary to finish the rear covers - not got there yet.

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Re: Loco Build based on "Eric"

Post by tom_tom_go » Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:41 pm

Glad you are enjoying the new forum.

Keep the pictures coming please :thumbup:

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