I've just returned to this thread for a specific reason, but first, Paul, Repetier-Host generally does a very good job of filling holes in meshes. Just open your stl in the prog, hit the little tools icon at the RHS, wait a minute or two until it finishes and then save the repaired file. Just occasionally it will also fill small holes that you actually wanted, so its as well to check, but carry then on to print it.
However, back to my 'reason':
Some of you may remember that waaaay back, I built a small rustic timber footbridge to cross my stream.
https://gardenrails.org/forum/viewtopic ... ge#p146443
Despite soaking everything in preservative for several months it hasn't really stood he test of time. I've repaired it several times but as of yesterday, it looked like this - all of the small timbers have disappeared completely


- IMG_0984.jpg (122.73 KiB) Viewed 2164 times
I have thought before about 3d printing the timber but didn't know how to draw rough logs or branches so never pursued it. Yesterday morning I wondered if Meshy might help, so did a search for a suitable rustic bridge picture and uploaded it in and to my surprise it produced 4 fairly reasonable options. I took the one I Iiked best and went through the procedure and downloaded it as an stl. Then imported it to Sketchup and made a few alterations to get it the way I wanted, exported the stl, put it into Chitubox and printed it. I started looking for pictures at 9am yesterday morning and took it off the printer at 9pm last night! Nothing else to do but clean up the print and paint it.

- IMG_0988.jpg (128.2 KiB) Viewed 2164 times
Just for info, this is the picture I started with

- rustic-wooden-bridge-spanning-calm-stream_1022456-125256.jpg (104.42 KiB) Viewed 2164 times
and this is what Meshy gave me before I altered it.

- Screenshot 2025-01-26 10.11.13.jpg (70.11 KiB) Viewed 2164 times
Meshy obviously got a bit confused by all the horizontals, which is not unreasonable but is close enough for what I wanted. I did also add a couple of logs underneath to strengthen it.
All I need now are the three Billy Goats Gruff, to cross the rickety, rackety bridge!