Accuraft SM32 W&L freight

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Accuraft SM32 W&L freight

Post by Petersfield » Sat Apr 20, 2024 8:10 pm

I'm interested in their old, discontinued freight stock (four wheel) of the W&L. It need not be pristine but should be in good condition and run well, with chopper couplings and no missing bits.

In an ideal world (!) I'd like an open, one or two sheep wagons and a pair of bolsters - I appreciate no one person is likely to have all of these but mention it to give you an idea what I'm after.

I can pay [cash] or we can talk about a part-ex deal for other items or services. I have various 4mm scale items surplus to requirements, various scenery/accessories (new) and some 45mm gauge stock.

Please PM me with details.

Edited to reflect recent purchases.

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