Caradoc - Third Question!

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Nigel B
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Caradoc - Third Question!

Post by Nigel B » Sat Sep 16, 2023 9:48 pm

Evening All
It looks as though my Caradoc is r/c on the reverser only; this is going by the photos as I haven’t had it yet. The transmitter is two channel but I can’t see any regulator linkage.
Please can I have your top tips for driving on the reverser bearing in mind that the FeckHallBahn is end to end? It’s something I’m used to doing but on a rather larger loco (Northern Rock; a long time ago).
Also - it hasn’t got a sight glass for the boiler but a level indicator valve thing. I presume that this works the same way as the lubricator drain - how often should I check and should I knock the gas off while doing so?
Thanks in advance
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Re: Caradoc - Third Question!

Post by MRail » Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:10 am

Hello Nigel,
This is/was the usual way to run Accucraft generic locos.
Later customer requests led to adding RC to the regulator.
Using a (UK) stick controller, the right-hand stick controls speed and direction, with centre neutral.

The boiler level device, often called a blow-down valve, is left open while steaming up.
Excess water will drain out, and when steam issues forth, the valve can be closed (scalded fingers!).
Boiler pressure will now build up.

It is fairly easy to add RC to the regulator, perhaps later if you feel the need.
Rob G
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Re: Caradoc - Third Question!

Post by -steves- » Tue Sep 19, 2023 11:30 am


As with most Accucraft loco's you can add a servo to the regulator. Just get an arm that will replace the knob and that will give you the top linkage. As for the servo, you "can" put it in the cab, but I found it more eye pleasing to put the servo under the cab floor and just drill out / dremel a slot in the cab floor for the linkage to pass through. If you do go this route, you will need to remove the body and I would also suggest removing the gas pipe as you don't want to damage that. Once done, some black paint will hide the drilled brass. Be warned the footplate as as tough as nails! You may also need to make up some small angled plates to hold the servo and bolt iy under the floor.

If I can find one of mine I will post some pictures up. I believe I slightly cheated and purchased a servo that had 90 degree mount holes. so I just needed to drill and bolt it directly in.
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