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Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:39 am
It has been sometime since I have posted on the forum due to my recent illness's. Although I am still not completely over it I am making a lot of progress.

So here is a thread on some scratch builds I have been undertaking. It may take sometime to show them mainly because my time has been limited by Anne because I still get very tired quickly, so it needs to been done even more slowly then usual :lol: :lol: :lol:

These wagons are just something I am playing around with to see what they turn out like and also to get some feed back on them. I won't get upset (that was one of the reasons I fell ill, getting wound up and stressing my heart) and won't take offence. You have to bare in mind that I run what Anne and I like to run on our line. Talking of which, we have moved to a more permeant place, so a new line is going to be built over time.

Here is a wagon I have built. The chassis is my attempt on the 3D printer, hopefully it is ok for you guys :dontknow: Then I decided to use some ply that I have and see how it turns out.
156C7F34-BEB8-4705-8658-B234D2A414A3.jpeg (2.32 MiB) Viewed 6380 times
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Something is wrong, I can't see the photos when I Preview the post :dontknow: :dontknow:

anyway hopefully you can see them. The wheels are some Accrucraft I had bought sometime ago and the rest is all wood or 3D printed. The corner and centre straps are 3D printed so are the buffers. I didn't like them with that amount of space between them, so I have made adjustments.

I will show the other wagon tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to see the preview before I post. Can a member of the team help me please.
This is what I see..
3AD5B9B1-5389-4CD6-ACEB-DD9FE42F4B08.png (236.21 KiB) Viewed 6380 times

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:14 am
by ge_rik
Good to see you are on the mend and back on the forum, Rod.

Not sure why you aren't seeing any photos in preview. Are you seeing them once the post has been posted?


PS I've just tested your permissions and tried posting as you. I got the full post with attachments in preview.
Try another post, but this time only attach one image.

Sometimes, depending on your broadband speed, the images take a little while to upload to the system and so don't appear immediately.

PPS - Try editing your original post (by clicking on the pencil icon). Then try preview. Now the photos are on the system they should appear in preview

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:23 am
by philipy
As Rik, said, it's good to see you back and hear that your health is improving, and also that a new line is in the offing.
That wagon looks really good, especially the u/f.

Like Rik, I don't understand why you can't see the pics in preview, but they do seem to be showing up OK in the post.
However, the screenshot that you've posted is cut off at the bottom, so I do wonder if its something as basic as you just haven't scrolled down far enough in the preview window? I know I've confused myself like that in the past :oops:

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:10 am
Thank you both for your very kind comments, both on my recovery and the wagon. :thankyoublue

I can see the photos in the post and I did get to see them when I previewed it again. I agree Phillip, I think it maybe our broadband speed. It has slowed down considerably since we have moved, although we are only 3/4's of a mile down the road and we are still near the green box. Unfortunately we can't get fibre yet... :(

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 11:54 am
by Peter Butler
Excellent news to hear from you again Rod, I do like your wagon very much and your collection of paint-brushes puts mine to shame.... I only use cheapo ones and chuck them away when they get tired.
Looking forward to hearing and seeing more when you are able.

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:58 pm
by ge_rik
Hi Rod
Soory, forgot to say how much I like the wagon - and as Peter says, your paintbrushes are top-notch. I especially like the neat and tidy way they are stored. I have to admit that mine are just shoved (hand down) in a jam jar


Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 3:49 pm
by Andrew
Welcome back Rod! Glad to hear you're on the mend.

Great wagon - I particularly like the individual planking and the bolt head detail on the strapping...

I was impressed by the paintbrush collection too! Grace keeps nicking mine for her ceramics work, the ones left in the jam jar leave a lot to be desired...

All the best,


Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 4:07 pm
by Lonsdaler
Hello Rod! :welcomeconfetti: back!
Glad to hear you are on the mend and things are looking more settled for you. Your waggon looks very good to me, and your workspace makes me ashamed😅 Look forward to seeing more from you in the future👍

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 9:01 pm
by Soar Valley Light
Hi Rod,

Nice to see you back and to hear things are getting better for you.

The wagon looks great -far better than anything I could achieve.

Take it easy,

SVLR Andrew

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:44 am
Hi Guys,

Some more on the scratch built wagons. Here are some photos showing how I made this one. The first photo is a price of ply that is marked out every 10mm and scored with a small screwdriver tip.

87AAE048-09B2-4CC5-AF63-C12B9067AFD1.jpeg (687.77 KiB) Viewed 6059 times
It was scored on both sides. Then I did the sides and front and back of the wagon. I did do the front and back as one piece and then cut it in half. It's easier to score a bigger piece.

F6BF03B5-5A23-449C-B279-99A24AF78708.jpeg (553.88 KiB) Viewed 6059 times

They were all given a black wash, I wanted to try and get the grain to show through, but I did forget how to do it and consequently it went too dark. So unfortunately the rest of the wagons I have planned for the line will need now to be very dark also. :scratch:

EB17B068-A822-4717-A79E-CBFF99A6E3E0.jpeg (886.55 KiB) Viewed 6059 times

Then I started to assemble it.
First I superglued the floor to the chassis.

D96C4364-85EF-47A4-B3EA-23BCAB7EF435.jpeg (685.55 KiB) Viewed 6059 times

The two sides were than done the same way, but with the help of those ceramic squares.

E71F4761-F7E1-4AB1-950D-97F85926948B.jpeg (627.48 KiB) Viewed 6059 times

I am sorry, I didn't take a photo of the ends getting put on, I must remember to in the future to take photos of all stages of any builds I do. Maybe when I do the next one I will take a couple of photos of the ends.

Then i 3d printed the buffers for the wagon. You have seen the photo of them, so I won't bore you with it again. Then it was weathered and sealed with clear matt varnish.
156C7F34-BEB8-4705-8658-B234D2A414A3.jpeg (2.32 MiB) Viewed 6059 times
I have since altered the buffer slightly with the spacing of the buffer plates. I will show you more when I get a rest and with some more weathering done, if I can get it to look something like it should be. But then again it all depends on how much or little, people want the weathering to be. :dontknow:

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:54 am
by philipy
FWLR wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:44 am
They were all given a black wash, I wanted to try and get the grain to show through, but I did forget how to do it and consequently it went too dark. So unfortunately the rest of the wagons I have planned for the line will need now to be very dark also.
The wagon looks good Rod.
I wouldn't worry too much about the colour, you can always lighten it a little by using light coloured weathering over the top, and there is certainly no ned to make all other stock the same dark shade if you don't want to. Wagons come in all sorts of shades once they've been hard worked and stood in rain and sun for a few years.

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:37 am
Thanks Phillip for your kind words. :thumbleft:

I did think though that wagons needed to be the same colour and style. I learn something new everyday on this brilliant forum. I will try a lighter colour and see if it helps to brighten them up a bit.

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:47 pm
by philipy
FWLR wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:37 am

I did think though that wagons needed to be the same colour and style.
Just take a look at Andrew's thread and particularly the two 'red' open wagons in the 3rd and 4th pictures. The rake has a wide variety of colours, but those two vehicles with the same basic livery, look totally different due to the level of weathering. ... &start=615

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 7:47 am
Thanks Phillip. :thumbleft:

I forgot all about Andrew's thread. You are so right, they do look different. Looks like I will be getting them different after all.

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 8:07 pm
by Soar Valley Light
On the Midland Railway wagons were painted grey. Even as new that could vary between a pale grey and a dark grey. The reason was that the wagon paint was 'stretched out' by mixing in all the scraps of paint from the paint shop, so the 'colour of the day' depended on what other vehicles were being painted and how much paint they had over from the job! I imagine similar things must have happened on many 'low budget ' railways, which includes a great many narrow gauge enterprises. I've frequently placed great reliance on that practise for some of the colours my wagons have ended up being painted in. :roll:

SVLR Andrew

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 11:57 am
Soar Valley Light wrote: Thu Apr 28, 2022 8:07 pm On the Midland Railway wagons were painted grey. Even as new that could vary between a pale grey and a dark grey. The reason was that the wagon paint was 'stretched out' by mixing in all the scraps of paint from the paint shop, so the 'colour of the day' depended on what other vehicles were being painted and how much paint they had over from the job! I imagine similar things must have happened on many 'low budget ' railways, which includes a great many narrow gauge enterprises. I've frequently placed great reliance on that practise for some of the colours my wagons have ended up being painted in. :roll:

SVLR Andrew
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your reply explaining a little bit more about the colours for rolling stock. So it was simply what paint was available at the time. I did wonder why there were different variants of colour on wagons and vans. I suppose that was the case for coaches also. But I suspect that wasn't the case in the really early years of railways. :dontknow:

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 3:13 pm
by Seb_N&BLR
I really like your wagon, it’s great to scratch build as the satisfaction afterwards is greater than simply assembling a kit in my experience.

Echoing what others have said, don’t fret about the colour. The thing about painted timber (or metal for that matter!) is that it fades in the sunlight. Therefore a wagon that has spent its time predominantly outdoors, would end up fading quicker than a wagon that has been stabled in a goods shed, under a canopy / tarpaulin or even just in natural shade. Equally a previously faded wagon might have been repainted and now look darker than the others. Or, if the railway is thrifty/broke, only damaged panels might have been painted so you end up with a patchwork effect, or even a different colour!

In terms of overall colour, if you don’t want to standardise on your first attempt, just paint some letters or initials on the side (e.g. “S.J.B. Coal” or something) and designate it a private-owner wagon. Your line might not physically own all its own rolling stock? I made that exact choice with my own first scratch built wagon - painted it red and decided that was a rubbish standard colour choice, so now it’s assigned to a local merchant who regularly ships barrels via my railway. This also helps to develop the overall narrative 8)

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 7:31 am
Hi Seb,

Thanks for your kind comment. I also would like to thank for your input on the colours of rolling stock. It is very welcome indeed. :thumbright:

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 8:38 am
by sjrixon
That's a really nice wagon, the 3D printed chassis looks very neat and tidy.

Question - Where are you wheels from? They do look good.

Re: Scratch Built Wagons....

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 3:41 am
by big-ted
Those look great! I'm most impressed with those axle boxes. Did you 3D print those a well? I've found it really tricky to draw leaf springs in CAD. I think your efforts might inspire me to try again.