Building the Fairfield Railway

A place for the discussion of garden railways and any garden style/scale portable and/or indoor layouts
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Post by bungle80a » Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:06 am

Day 4: The Recipe for success...hopefully!

Today has been spent mixing concrete! In total we have mixed 4 batches to put in the trenches, with each batch having the following recipe:
1 bag of Cement
2 bags of aggregate
4 bags of builders sand (3 times as much as the cement in weight)
2-3 buckets of water

IT was hard work, but worth the effort! Before filling the trench with concrete, we lined the trench with about an inch of hardcore material. This varied from broken up bits of the old pebble dashing to chunks of solid cement ( where an old bag had gone hard). Some of it needed smashing up with a big hammer ! :D

By the end of the day the front trench was done as far as the rear trench rejoiing it at the back of the garden, and the rear trench roughly filled to 1/3 of the way round.

What we have found is that I need to excavate another inch or so out of the back trench between the end of todays concreting and the front loop, as the level is off, and there would not be a good, strong, deep foundation for laying the blocks onto!

This view shows the view from an upstairs window of the progress made today!

Tomorrow, I am most likely to be working alone, so there might not be as much done, but the aim is to get the digging done, and get the rest of the concrete for this phase in place!

AS always, more piccies in my photobucket! ( I really should just link my photobucket in my signature!)

"Who has stolen the 3 link coupling off the end of my train?!?!

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"So, which comedian has uncoupled my entire train?!?!"

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Post by ACLR » Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:51 am

Mate that is realy looking great should be a great line when its finished a railway to be proud of :D

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Post by SillyBilly » Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:35 pm

Loving it Bungle!

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Post by mhlr » Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:47 pm

woweee! looks more civalised than when the MHLR was made!!! :lol:

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Post by Matt » Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:30 pm

Looking great bungle80a :D ! When it's finish, post some pics of the first train.
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Post by bungle80a » Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:40 pm

I'm sure the first train will run before completion! And after all, a garden railway is never finished is it?

Too tired to do a full report today! Will do a combined one for day 5 & 6 after I get home 2moro!

"Who has stolen the 3 link coupling off the end of my train?!?!

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Post by bungle80a » Wed May 14, 2008 12:11 am

Well its been nearly 2 weeks since an update as i've been very busy building and due to the weather its been tiring so i've barely been online. But I can now report that block laying is well under way. Also, we now have a name. It is going to be the 'Fairfield Railway' (FR). Will try to get a pictorial update for the last 2 weeks up soon.

"Who has stolen the 3 link coupling off the end of my train?!?!

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Post by ACLR » Wed May 14, 2008 3:43 am

Looking forward to the updates :D

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Post by steamyjim » Wed May 14, 2008 5:11 pm

Looking good mate!

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Post by bungle80a » Wed May 14, 2008 8:54 pm

Finally, I have an evening to do this!

Day 5: Trackbed or Canal?

It rained heavily overnight and I arrived to find my concrete was not as level as it seemed on laying. Consequently, I found this...
My back trench seemed to resemble a canal rather than a track bed, but fortunately its not too much of a problem because at the end of the day, its the blocks that will be laid on top of this that need to be perfectly level! The days work basically involved laying the rest of the concrete round the rear loop trench and the rest of the mainline trench at the top left of the section.
This pic shows what had to be filled...
and this pic the result...

Day 6: Bag it up!

I only did half a day, and started by removing the shuttering etc from the concrete I had laid the previous day. Rest of the session was bagging up the soil from between the mainline and back loop, as it is to be disposed of due to being very poor quality (mainly clay).
Before finishing, the track was placed on the concrete to check i'd got it all in the right places. I seem to have done!

At this point, a 4 day break is taken for various reasons, but primarily because of PTLRfest 08!

"Who has stolen the 3 link coupling off the end of my train?!?!

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"So, which comedian has uncoupled my entire train?!?!"

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Post by steamyjim » Wed May 14, 2008 9:02 pm


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Post by bungle80a » Wed May 14, 2008 9:07 pm

Day 7: Time to get Laid!
After an action packed long weekend, it was back to hard graft (but only half a days worth)!
Started the day by getting out enough blocks to complete the full mainline curve and laying them out to judge whether they would need any cutting off to allow for the curve.
Fortunately, no cutting was needed and I managed to get 5 blocks laid by the end of my working day...

Day 8:The wobbly Pole

Before any actual railway building could commence, it was discovered that the washing pole that had previously been moved was far from stable in its new home, so a new, deeper hole had to be dug and the pole set in fresh concrete.

With that task out of the way, I was able to continue laying blocks round the rather large curve.

This pic shows the newly concreted pole and the progress by the end of the day...

This pic was actually taken the following morning, but I forgot to take my camera that day!

"Who has stolen the 3 link coupling off the end of my train?!?!

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Post by laalratty » Wed May 14, 2008 9:42 pm

You seriosly should go into garden railway construction, the workmanship looks great, good to see it begining to really look like it could be a railway now
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"It's a model icebreaker sir."
"It's a bit big isn't it?"
"It's a full scale model sir....."

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Post by bungle80a » Wed May 14, 2008 9:42 pm

Day 9: Loopy Levels - Grade = A+
First thing to do was check that the blocks I had laid so far were level. And the verdict is...

The day was spent laying more blocks. Todays total was 8, taking the grand total up to 21.
If you've never tried laying blocks in this way, making sure each one is level in all directions plus with the previous block I highly recommend you don't! If you do, then I recommend you have plenty of time and patience. At several points, I was ready to throw the blocks at something as it was so frustrating getting it almost there, then one corner of it would go too low and i'd have to start all over again!

At the end of the day, my 'boss' came home from work and we had a bit of a discussion about the track layout across the blocks. The intention has always been to have it wide enough for 2 main running lines: 1x45mm + (1x32mm OR 1X 0 gauge). The 45mm would go in first, then over time (and money allowing) the second loop would be laid. It was decided that a temporary 45mm passing loop would be laid on the track bed where the 32mm or 0 gauge will eventually sit.
This pic shows how the track work will be laid at the house end of the loop. The large point goes into another loop of the mainline maintaining the 10ft min radius.

Day 10: Oops!

It has been discovered that the straight section of concrete laid towards the house is somewhat misaligned with where it needs to be, so the extended trench will be a bit further back. Digging that trench is the focus of the days work.
At this point of the line, the trench needs to be even wider, as it is to fit the double mainline, plus the originally planned passing loop. In total it is 1 block length + 1 block width wide (plus an inch or so on either side).
So the trench was accurately surveyed, pegged and dug. I also had to dig behind the already cast concrete to allow for my mistake!

Part of digging this trench involved doing some gardening (AAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHH!). There were a couple of plants and a great 5 ft bush in the way. The plants got dug out and put to one side for use at a later date and the bush got moved back against the wall. I'm no gardener, so hopefully I havent killled them! Last job for the day was filling the trench with hardcore (more old broken up pebble dashing).

That evening, PTLRsam popped round for a nosy, I mean to check on the progress and offer advice! As an experienced garden railway builder himself (at least 3 lines), his advice has come in very valuable. We were informed that whilst extremely strong, our concrete didnt need to be so thick and therefore, the trench could be filled in deeper with hardcore to save my back mixing so much concrete!

"Who has stolen the 3 link coupling off the end of my train?!?!

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"So, which comedian has uncoupled my entire train?!?!"

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Post by Matt » Wed May 14, 2008 9:47 pm

Looking very good :D ! Who did you learn your skills off?
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Post by SillyBilly » Wed May 14, 2008 10:14 pm

You're doing a superb job there, thanks for taking the time to post updates, it's really interesting.

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Post by bungle80a » Wed May 14, 2008 10:24 pm

Day 11: The board meeting

After more discussions later on the previous day with PTLRsam, I had a thought that at this level above ground level it might be possible to take the line off blocks onto boards (similar to the PTLR) from about 1 ft along from where I had concreted up to so far. But as the 'boss' wasn't around until later in the day to discuss my idea, I decided I would just cast the concrete to the potential change point and see what he said.
Once that concrete was laid, I continued to lay the mainline blocks as far as I could along the previously laid concrete, marking the required alignment on the concrete with a permanent marker to make sure I didnt have the trackbed heading in the wrong direction....again.
Late on in the day, I discussed my idea about the boards with the 'Boss', and it was decided we will continue with concreting and blocks for another 10-12 feet, to allow access to the garden behind, as the width of the boards would be rather wide and not strong enough to lean on to get at the garden!

Last thing to do for the day was cut and lay the first 2 blocks running into the back loop.


Sunday OFF - Beach Weather! 8)


Day 12: Set in stone (well concrete actually)

As it has been decided to continue using blocks, I filled the trench with concrete! However, I did make sure that there was plenty of hardcore in the trench to reduce the amount I needed to make!

Another 3 blocks were then laid along the mainline towards the freshly poured slab.

The next bit of blockwork to be laid is the back loop. This is only single line, and it has been decided that a breeze block can be cut into 3 equal blocks which give a bit extra width than cutting it in 2 along its length. So the rest of the day I was cutting up 7 of the big blocks to make 21 mini-blocks. These will need some more cuting when it comes to the curves.

Day 13:Blok Party

Just a half days work to be done, but quite a lot got done! I was on top form with block laying. Laid 9 blocks along the mainline right down to the end of my newly cast concrete. Once dried I will be able to lay the side on blocks behind for the passing loop. I also managed to lay the first straight block in the back loop, which took forever because it just kept going wrong!

I popped back in the evening and the track got placed out on the blocks again to test alignments and such. It has now been decided that where the passing loop is added temporarily on the 32mm/0 gauge track bed, an aditional point will be fitted to allow for a steaming bay! We also have, on loan from the PTLR, an Isle of Man coach, fitted specially with 45mm wheelsets to be used for clearance and overhang testing on the 10ft radius curves so when track laying we can make sure the lines are far enough apart. This was brought out for rough testing. Unfortunately, I wasn't expecting any of this so didnt have my camera with me! Hopefully, i'll be able to get the pics the 'boss' took!

"Who has stolen the 3 link coupling off the end of my train?!?!

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Post by bungle80a » Wed May 14, 2008 10:55 pm

Day 14: It wasn't me, you can't prove a thing!

Finally I have caught up to date! And it is only appropriate that this is my 100th post! It has taken me at least 3 hrs tonight to do this, using my piccies as a reminder of what I achieved each day!

Anyway, enough about that, here's what i've been up to today...

This is a view of the area I was working today. The aim is to start the trench heading in the other direction because there is a target of a week on Saturday to have a track laying day. We want to be able to lay the track from the tree on the right of this pic, across in front of the washing pole, right round the sweeping curve, including the temporary loop, plus round the back loop then down towards the house to where I have currently laid blocks! So to make that happen, I need to get working!

To start with, I had to remove a line of sandstone blocks along the edge of the flower bed, as they were going to be in the way. Once again I found ants, and they were dealt with accordingly.

Before I could do anything else, I had to rehome some vegetation. I was told it was to be kept and relocated. It didnt look very well when I'd planted it in its new home!
Although this lot that I moved looks a bit better...

With the green obstacles out of my way, I set about surveying, pegging, digging as usual. Todays trench was for 1 length of 10ft radius curve (Approx 4 ft long covering 22.5 degree curve) followed by the point into the temporary loop (another 19 inches). Digging it was easier said than done as the ground was hard from the good weather we've been having and also the tree with lilac blossom that can be seen in the first pic made it difficult to get the spade in!

This pic shows the trench dug long enough for the curve. It didnt take much to dig the next 19 inches.

My original intention was to clear some vegetation and dig part of the trench til lunch, then lay some blocks in the afternoon. But I changed my mind. Instead I carried on with my trench, lined it with hardcore...
and filled it with concrete.
I took about 2.5 bags of sand, 1.25 bags of gravel and just over half a bag of cement just to fill that small area. MY poor back!

I think i'll spend tomorrow laying blocks as i'm not sure what the boss wants me to with the vegetation that now lies in the path of my trench!

"Who has stolen the 3 link coupling off the end of my train?!?!

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"So, which comedian has uncoupled my entire train?!?!"

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Post by Chris Cairns » Wed May 14, 2008 11:32 pm

I've been following this posting in the background, but today's reading has been really great. It is amazing how much progress you are making. Keep it coming!

I wish I had more motivation to get my Garden Railway started, but starting a new job away from home is my next priority.

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Post by ACLR » Thu May 15, 2008 8:44 pm

great progress its looking wonderful
makes me want to dig mine up and start again ;)

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