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Cloudiness with super glue

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:44 pm
by pandsrowe
I'm currently constructing one of the Kippo resin buildings kits and glueing it together with mainly two pack epoxy and exterior grade construction adhesive. So far no issues but yesterday I attached some infills under the canopy with super glue that are made from foam board. Although the adhesive has worked, it has left a white cloudiness on the foam board around the joint. I am aware of this phenomenon when glueing clear acrylic for windows but have not come across it affecting other materials in this way.
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Re: Cloudiness with super glue

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:12 pm
by philipy
I've seen a similar effect quite often.

I don't know for sure, and I'm happy to be told I'm talking from you-know-where, but I suspect it is to to do with where you have handled the parts and have left finger oils and/or moisture on the surface. The superglue then reacts with that and creates the white film. It's the same phenomenon that is sometimes used in forensics to lift finger prints!

Re: Cloudiness with super glue

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:14 pm
by -steves-
It's caused by the vapours, essentially laying down a film if super glue. Good ventilation helps, hence it's worse when the area is particularly enclosed, like a canopy or inside a cab, so leave things to dry in front of a fan and see if that helps. Also, don't use kicker if the glue can be seen as you will end up with crusty bits of white glue. Again, I have no scientific explanation just my personal experience.