The quarterly gallery of entries and voted best pictures
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Post by philipy » Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:36 am

Rules, as modified 31st July 2021:

1) To reduce the chances of focusing (!) on the photoshop arguments, it will be called "The Quarterly Garden Railway Gallery" ( QGRG) i.e. not a 'competition' although there will be voting for the best entry each quarter- best being defined however the individual voter chooses.

2) For a trial period, each registered forum member may submit TWO pictures, and those pictures may be replaced up until the closing date. Each picture must have a Title and if two pictures are submitted they MUST both be on the same post.

3) A picture does not have to be taken specifically, it can be one you took years previously, if you think it fits the theme.

4) The photographs submitted must be taken by the entrant themselves, and either of their own models, or of visitors to their railway, or their own stock when visiting another line.

5) The same photograph may not be entered into the QGRG more than once, but that does not exclude a picture which has been seen, for instance, in a thread on the forum, a blog, magazine article, etc.
Basic editing will be allowed. i.e straightening, cropping, resizing, but advanced techniques such as adding smoke or steam effects, adding background pictures, etc, will not be permitted. This does not exclude for instance, using temporary physical screens to hide unsightly backgrounds before taking a photo.

7) The winning entry allows the submitter to choose next the quarters theme, but he/she is barred from entering the theme they have chosen, to make things fair. The theme chosen should bear in mind that the membership stretches from the Antipodes to northern Canada and Russia, so climatic conditions vary hugeley at any given time!

8 ) There will be 4 Quarterly Galleries per year, December, March, June, September ( not Winter, Spring, etc, to avoid 'seasonalising', given the international membership).

9)The Gallery will be publicised as a Forum Announcement each quarter.

10) Every registered and logged in member will have ONE vote, which may be changed up to the end of the voting period.

11) Entries will be permitted up to 15th of the Quarter month and voting will take place between 15th and 30th. All members may vote irrespective of whether they have entered. The winner will be confirmed by 30th/31st of the quarter month. The winner will be expected to propose the next theme by 7th of the following month."


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